Research Funding Opportunities

The Office of Research and Innovation provides support in the preparation of applications to all researchers who meet the funding call eligibility criteria. We encourage Indigenous people, visible minorities, diversely-abled people, women, and people from the LGBTQ2S+ communities to apply.  We look forward to assisting you with your application to ensure submission of the highest quality proposal.

UNBC Deadlines:
Full applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline (unless otherwise noted in the funding opportunity information below).  Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via Romeo. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval. Please see the Research Guide for complete details.

If your application requires an Institutional Letter of Support, please complete and submit the Institutional Letter of Support Request Form to the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 10 business days prior to the application deadline.

Browse upcoming funding opportunities for UNBC researchers:

External opportunities

The Discovery Grant program supports ongoing programs of research with long-term goals rather than a single short-term project or collection of projects. 

Discovery Grants are typically five years in duration and are considered “grants in aid” of research, as they provide long-term operating funds and can facilitate access to funding from other programs but are not meant to support the full costs of a research program.

Notice of Intent to Apply deadline (mandatory): August 1, 2024
Full application deadline: November 1, 2024

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer - Natural Sciences
Phone: 250-960-6357


Mostafa Sabzevari, Research Project Officer - Applied Sciences and Engineering
Phone: 250-960-5616


Planning and Dissemination Grants are intended to provide support for planning and/or dissemination activities (either virtual or in-person) consistent with the mandate of CIHR and relevant to CIHR Institutes and Initiatives. 

The specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to:

  • support planning activities, partnership development and to increase understanding of the health research landscape that will contribute to the advancement of research consistent with the mandate of CIHR; and
  • support dissemination events and activities that focus on the communication of health research evidence to the appropriate researcher or knowledge-user audiences, tailoring the message and medium as appropriate.

 Each grant is for one year. The maximum amount per grant varies by the sponsoring Institute and Initiative but will not exceed $100,000.


Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer - Health 
Phone: 250-960-5686

The goal of the NFRF Exploration stream is to inspire high-risk, high-reward and interdisciplinary research.

Exploration grants support research that pushes boundaries into exciting new areas and that:

  • bring disciplines together beyond traditional disciplinary or common interdisciplinary approaches;
  • propose to explore something new, which might fail; and
  • have the potential for significant impact.

Notice of Intent deadline (mandatory): August 27, 2024
Full application deadline: November 5, 2024

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.


Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer - Natural Sciences and Engineering
Phone: 250-960-6357


Sharleen Balogh, Research Project Officer - Social Sciences and Humanities
Phone: 250-960-5629


Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer - Health
Phone: 250-960-5686

The NFRF Transformation stream supports large-scale, Canadian-led interdisciplinary research projects that address a major challenge with the potential to realize real and lasting change.

Full Application deadline: September 5, 2024 (by invitation only) @ 5:00 pm PT    *Note that a mandatory Letter of Intent was required to be submitted previously

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval. An Amendment to the original Romeo file can be created at the Full Application stage using the Event Form, which is tied to the original Romeo file.

Sharleen Balogh, Research Project Officer - SSH
Phone: 250-960-5629

*Please note the registration deadline is August 14, 2024.

The Project Grant program is designed to capture ideas with the greatest potential to advance health-related fundamental or applied knowledge, health research, health care, health systems, and/or health outcomes. It supports research projects proposed and conducted by individual researchers or groups of researchers, at any career stage, in all areas of health. 

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval. 


Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer - Health 
Phone: 250-960-5686

SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships support the most promising Canadian new scholars in the social sciences and humanities, and assist them in establishing a research base by providing recent PhD graduates with stipendiary support.

 SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship awards are tenable at Canadian or foreign universities and research institutions.

Application deadline: September 12, 2024 @ 5:00 pm

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.

Sharleen Balogh, Research Project Officer - Social Sciences and Humanities
Phone: 250-960-5629

*Please note the registration deadline is August 14, 2024.

As part of the CIHR strategic plan commitment to improving health equity, strengthening research capacity, and mobilizing knowledge, this Community Based Research (CBR) in Climate Change Priority Areas Funding Opportunity supports the partnered work of communities and researchers in knowledge development and capacity-building initiatives of relevance to communities working to combat the differential health impacts of climate change.

Examples of activities that might be conducted under this request for applications are (but are not restricted to):

  • Gatherings of communities, health researchers and/or knowledge users where the main objective is to establish research partnerships;
  • Activities that assist potential teams of community-based organizations and researchers in working together to identify research questions, emerging issues and/or priorities;
  • Workshops to design a research project and/or develop a proposal for a future CBR operating grant;
  • Planning and/or execution of activities to generate preliminary data, observations, or knowledge to inform future community-based research/work.

The maximum amount per grant is $125,000 per year for up to one year.


Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer - Health 
Phone: 250-960-5686

These grants provide short-term and timely support for partnered research activities that will inform decision-making at a single partner organization from the public, private or not-for-profit sector. The small-scale, stakeholder-driven partnerships supported through Partnership Engage Grants are meant to respond to immediate needs and time constraints facing organizations in non-academic sectors.

Application deadline: September 15, 2024 @ 5:00 pm PT

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.

Sharleen Balogh, Research Project Officer - Social Sciences and Humanities
Phone: 250-960-5629

Postdoctoral research awards support promising new scholars and assist them in establishing a research base at an important time in their research careers. Preferred candidates are recent PhD graduates, conferred within the past five years, undertaking original research, publishing research findings, developing and expanding personal research networks, and preparing for research-intensive careers within and beyond academia.

The award hosted at UNBC is in Northern Issues. Applicants should have a specialization in: Natural resources and environmental studies; community development; rural, northern and environmental health; First Nations and Indigenous Peoples.

Award is valued at USD $30,000 for 9 months

Application Deadline: September 16, 2024 (awards must be taken up in the 2025/26 Academic Year)

Applications accepted through the Fulbright website, linked below.

Nicole Balliet, Manager, Research Administration
Phone: 250-960-5815

Mark Barnes, Director, Research and Innovation
Phone: 250-960-5184

The specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to:

  • Accelerate discovery and innovation research that will generate the knowledge needed to advance the development of the next generation of testing, prevention, treatment and cure interventions;
  • Develop skills for the future of inter- and transdisciplinary HIV/AIDS and STBBI research with training and mentorship that supports trainees and early career investigators in integrating new technologies and methods into their research;
  • Advance community-centred approaches to research that meaningfully engages community members from key populations9 disproportionately affected by HIV in Canada and people with lived and living experience (PWLLE) throughout the research process; and
  • Mobilize knowledge amongst researchers, PWLLE, industry, communities, health practitioners and decision makers to effectively co-create, synthesize and apply research findings to development of clinical and/or commercial applications and strategies that foster equitable benefit across key populations.


Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer - Health 
Phone: 250-960-5686

The Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program supports the training and mentoring of teams of highly qualified students and postdoctoral fellows from Canada and abroad through the development of innovative training programs that

  • encourage collaborative and integrative approaches, and address significant scientific challenges associated with Canada’s research priorities
  • facilitate the transition of new researchers from trainees to productive employees in the Canadian workforce

Full application deadline: September 22, 2024  *Note that a mandatory Letter of Intent was previously required. 

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer
Phone: 250-960-6357

Please note the registration deadline for this opportunity is September 4, 2024.

The program will fund research across the four CIHR pillars (biomedical; clinical; health services; and social, cultural, environmental, and population health) that has the potential to have a significant impact on human development, child and youth health. The program aims to strengthen Canada's capacity and knowledge to respond to challenges and needs by providing important early career development support to researchers in these fields. 

Applicants must: 

  • Be an independent researcher appointed at an eligible institution
  • Hold an independent research appointment as an early career researcher as per CIHR definition
  • Have at least 50% protected time for research


Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer - Health 
Phone: 250-960-5686

SSHRC Insight Grants support research excellence in the social sciences and humanities and provide stable support for long-term research initiatives of two to five years that is central to advancing knowledge. They enable scholars to address complex issues about individuals and societies, and to further our collective understanding.

Application deadline: October 1, 2024

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.

Sharleen Balogh, Research Project Officer - Social Sciences and Humanities
Phone: 250-960-5629

CIHR's Health Research Training Strategy aims to equip research trainees so that they emerge from their training as scientific, professional, or organizational leaders within and beyond the health research enterprise. Generating Research Leaders of tomorrow is a key objective for CIHR.

Fellowships provide support for highly qualified applicants in all areas of health research at the post-PhD degree or post-health professional degree stages to add to their experience by engaging in health research either in Canada or abroad.


Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer - Health 
Phone: 250-960-5686

*Please note the registration deadline is September 10, 2024. 

The purpose of this funding opportunity is to support projects that use data from existing Canadian-based cohorts, databases, cohort catalogues, and data platforms, and are relevant to human development, child and/or youth health with the goal to inform improved patient, population, and system outcomes. The maximum amount per grant is $75,000 for up to one year.


Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer - Health 
Phone: 250-960-5686

*Please note the registration deadline is September 11, 2024

There is thus a growing demand for Moving Upstream in population and public health research - past the proximal social determinants of health and the conditions of daily life - towards the structural drivers of health inequities. This research requires a focus on regulations, legislation, policies and institutions and the ways they directly or indirectly impact health (in)equity and health outcomes within and across populations.

The overall purpose of this opportunity is to support robust interdisciplinary research to analyze, contextualize and/or evaluate how structural or “system-level” drivers (e.g., legislation and policies, governance structures, ecological and commercial determinants, etc.) can create, maintain or exacerbate health (in)equity and population health across sub-groups, regions, contexts and settings. The maximum amount per grant is $125,000 per year for 1 year.


Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer - Health 
Phone: 250-960-5686

Discovery Horizons grants support investigator-initiated individual and team projects that broadly integrate or transcend disciplines to advance knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering (NSE).

In the context of this funding opportunity, the term “interdisciplinary” should be understood to fully encompass all research that connects, crosses or falls in between the traditional disciplines of the three agencies, including transdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, convergence research and other approaches at the interface.

There are no requirements with respect to team size or composition. However, individuals are only allowed to hold or apply for one Discovery Horizons grant as either an applicant or co-applicant. Additionally, individuals participating in a Discovery Horizons grant as an applicant or co-applicant cannot hold both a Discovery Grant and Discovery Horizons grant.

Full application deadline (by invitation only): October 18, 2024 *Note that a mandatory Letter of Intent was previously required.

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer - Natural Sciences 
Phone: 250-960-6357


Mostafa Sabzevari, Research Project Officer - Applied Sciences and Engineering
Phone: 250-960-5616


The Mass Timber Demonstration Program (MTDP) is a collaboration between Forestry Innovation Investment (FII) and the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation. 

The Program is intended to maximize the use of mass timber in British Columbia (B.C.), to support jobs by fostering increased mass timber construction activities, to help position B.C. as a global leader in advanced wood product and system technologies and services, and to support B.C.’s economic development.

Application Deadline: October 21, 2024 @ 8:00 pm PDST

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer - Natural Sciences
Phone: 250-960-6357

The overall goal of the Catalyst Grants is to catalyze and strengthen the innovation landscape of HIV/AIDS and STBBI biomedical research in Canada in order to address the most pressing and persistent biomedical challenges to effective treatment of key populations disproportionately affected by STBBI.

The Catalyst Grant funding opportunity will support projects relevant to the following research areas:

  • Innovation for next-generation testing and surveillance technology, including, but not limited to, use of digital technology, AI, remote imaging, and wastewater testing;
  • Innovation for next-generation therapeutic interventions, including, but not limited to, long-acting anti-virals and anti-bacterials, and novel drugs or approaches for targeting viral reservoirs, or to overcome antimicrobial resistance;
  • Innovation for next-generation prevention technologies, including, but not limited to, new vaccine and/or delivery platforms, alternatives to vaccines, and multipurpose prevention technologies.

Applicants will be required to articulate the innovative elements of their proposals that will address a critical gap in the cascade of care. The maximum amount per grant is $200,000 per year for up to 1 year.


Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer - Health 
Phone: 250-960-5686

Research Tools and Instruments (RTI) grants foster and enhance the discovery, innovation and training capability of university researchers in the natural sciences and engineering by supporting the purchase of research equipment.

The RTI grants program provides the primary avenue for university researchers in the natural sciences and engineering to obtain up to $150,000 in support for research tools and instruments with a net cost between $7,001 and $250,000. 

Application deadline: October 25, 2024

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer - Natural Sciences
Phone: 250-960-6357


Mostafa Sabzevari, Research Project Officer - Applied Sciences and Engineering
Phone: 250-960-5616

SSHRC Partnership Grants are intended for large teams of postsecondary institutions and/or organizations of various types that work in formal collaboration. These grants provide support for new and existing formal partnerships over four to seven years to advance research, research training and/or knowledge mobilization in the social sciences and humanities. 

Partnership Grants undergo a two-stage merit review process, and this funding opportunity description applies to Stage 2 applications. Only applicants successful in the Partnership Grants—Stage 1 process are invited to apply in Stage 2.

Stage 1: Applications successful in Stage 1 are awarded grants valued at up to $20,000. These funds help applicants prepare for the Stage 2 application. The Stage 1 deadline for 2024 has already passed.

Stage 2 (by invitation only) Deadline: October 29, 2024 @ 5:00 pm PT

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.

Sharleen Balogh, Research Project Officer - Social Sciences and Humanities
Phone: 250-960-5629

Connection Grants support events and outreach activities geared toward short-term, targeted knowledge mobilization initiatives. These events and activities represent opportunities to exchange knowledge and to engage with participants on research issues of value to them. Events and outreach activities funded by a Connection Grant can often serve as a first step toward more comprehensive and longer-term projects.

Application Deadline: November 1, 2024 @ 5:00 pm PT

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.

Sharleen Balogh, Research Project Officer - Social Sciences and Humanities
Phone: 250-960-5629

The Discovery Grant program supports ongoing programs of research with long-term goals rather than a single short-term project or collection of projects. 

Discovery Grants are typically five years in duration and are considered “grants in aid” of research, as they provide long-term operating funds and can facilitate access to funding from other programs but are not meant to support the full costs of a research program.

Full application deadline: November 1, 2024 *Note that a mandatory Notice of Intent to apply was previously required. 

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer - Natural Sciences
Phone: 250-960-6357


Mostafa Sabzevari, Research Project Officer - Applied Sciences and Engineering
Phone: 250-960-5616


The goal of the NFRF Exploration stream is to inspire high-risk, high-reward and interdisciplinary research.

Exploration grants support research that pushes boundaries into exciting new areas and that:

  • bring disciplines together beyond traditional disciplinary or common interdisciplinary approaches;
  • propose to explore something new, which might fail; and
  • have the potential for significant impact.

Full application deadline: November 5, 2024 *Note that a mandatory Notice of Intent to apply was required in August. 

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.


Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer - Natural Sciences and Engineering
Phone: 250-960-6357


Sharleen Balogh, Research Project Officer - Social Sciences and Humanities
Phone: 250-960-5629


Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer - Health
Phone: 250-960-5686

SSHRC Partnership funding is intended for formal partnerships between postsecondary institutions and/or organizations of various types. Partnership Development Grants provide support over one to three years to teams/partnerships, led by a project director, to:

  • develop research and/or related activities in the social sciences and humanities—these can include knowledge mobilization and the meaningful involvement of students and emerging scholars—by fostering new partnerships with existing and/or potential partners; or
  • design and test new partnership approaches for research and/or related activities that can result in best practices or models—these can either be adapted by others or have the potential to be scaled up to a regional, national or international level.

Application Deadline: November 15, 2024 @ 5:00 pm PT

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.

Sharleen Balogh, Research Project Officer - Social Sciences and Humanities
Phone: 250-960-5629

Mitacs and Michael Smith Health Research BC have announced a new partnership program. The Michael Smith Health Research BC-Mitacs industry-based program supports graduate students and postdoctoral fellows across British Columbia to gain experience working within BC’s life sciences sector.  

The program offers industry-based placements through Mitacs Accelerate (for master and PhD students) and Elevate (postdoctoral fellows) programs.

Letter of Intent to Apply deadline (mandatory): Continuous intake until December 1, 2024
Full application deadline: December 20, 2024

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via Romeo. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.


Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer - Health
Phone: 250-960-5686


SSHRC, in partnership with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), is pleased to launch a Knowledge Synthesis Grants competition to mobilize, examine and synthesize social sciences and humanities research on Envisioning Governance Systems that Work. 

Knowledge Synthesis Grants are not intended to support original research. Rather, they are intended to support the synthesis of existing research knowledge and identify knowledge gaps. This call is particularly focused on the state of research produced over the past 10 years.

Application Deadline: December 12, 2024 @ 5:00 pm PT

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.

Sharleen Balogh, Research Project Officer - Social Sciences and Humanities
Phone: 250-960-5629

These grants provide short-term and timely support for partnered research activities that will inform decision-making at a single partner organization from the public, private or not-for-profit sector. The small-scale, stakeholder-driven partnerships supported through Partnership Engage Grants are meant to respond to immediate needs and time constraints facing organizations in non-academic sectors.

Application deadline: December 15, 2024 @ 5:00 pm PT

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.

Sharleen Balogh, Research Project Officer - Social Sciences and Humanities
Phone: 250-960-5629

Mitacs and Michael Smith Health Research BC have announced a new partnership program. The Michael Smith Health Research BC-Mitacs industry-based program supports graduate students and postdoctoral fellows across British Columbia to gain experience working within BC’s life sciences sector.  

The program offers industry-based placements through Mitacs Accelerate (for master and PhD students) and Elevate (postdoctoral fellows) programs.

Full application deadline: December 20, 2024 *Note that a mandatory Letter of Intent was previously required. 

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via Romeo. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.


Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer - Health
Phone: 250-960-5686


Horizon Europe is the European Union’s key funding program for research and innovation.

In November 2023, the Government of Canada closed substantive negotiations with the European Commission (EC) to increase collaboration under Horizon Europe, the world's largest research and innovation program involving countries around the globe. Now applications from Canadian researchers and innovators will be reviewed as fully-fledged members of consortia in Horizon Europe Pillar 2 calls. While Canadians can participate in all Horizon Europe calls that are open to international partners, as an associated country, Canadians can access a broader range of research opportunities in Pillar 2.  Most Horizon Europe Pillar 2 projects require at least three partners from three different EU member states or associated countries.

Each programme within Horizon Europe launches project calls based on a pre-established work programme under each thematic area. See the below funding description for a link to a list of funding opportunities and deadlines.

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of submission to the funding agency. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via Romeo. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean Approval.


Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer - Natural Sciences 
Phone: 250-960-6357


Sharleen Balogh, Research Project Officer - Social Sciences and Humanities
Phone: 250-960-5629


Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer - Health
Phone: 250-960-5686

Environment and Climate Change Canada offers funding through various Grants and Contributions programs. Eligible groups, organizations and individuals can apply for support of projects that protect or conserve our natural environment.

For a full list of funding programs and deadlines, please see the funding description below.

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the application deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer
Phone: 250-960-6357

Put your talent to work with an organization that needs it and apply your skills in a non-academic environment. Accelerate grants are open to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

Agency application deadline: continuous intake. Allow six to eight weeks for peer review.

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the agency deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via Romeo. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer (Natural Sciences and Engineering)
Phone: 250-960-6357


Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer (Health)
Phone: 250-960-5686


Sharleen Balogh, Research Project Officer (Social Sciences and Humanities)
Phone: 250-960-5629

The Mitacs Globalink Research Award provides $6,000 for senior undergraduate and graduate students in Canada to conduct 12–24-week research projects at universities outside of Canada.

Agency application deadline: continuous intake.

Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of submission to the agency for review and signature.

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer (Natural Sciences and Engineering)
Phone: 250-960-6357


Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer (Health)
Phone: 250-960-5686


Sharleen Balogh, Research Project Officer (Social Sciences and Humanities)
Phone: 250-960-5629

Alliance grants encourage university researchers to collaborate with partner organizations, which can be from the private, public or not-for-profit sectors. These grants support research projects led by strong, complementary, collaborative teams that will generate new knowledge and accelerate the application of research results to create benefits for Canada.

Alliance Advantage grants (formerly Alliance cost-sharing option 1) are for partner-driven projects. They fund projects focused on the partners’ goals, with at least one partner sharing in the costs of research. 

Application deadline: Continuous Intake. Allow 5-24 weeks for the review process (depending on the size of the project).

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of submission to the funding agency. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via Romeo. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean Approval.

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer - Natural Sciences
Phone: 250-960-6357


Mostafa Sabzevari, Research Project Officer - Applied Sciences and Engineering
Phone: 250-960-5616


Alliance grants encourage university researchers to collaborate with partner organizations, which can be from the private, public or not-for-profit sectors. These grants support research projects led by strong, complementary, collaborative teams that will generate new knowledge and accelerate the application of research results to create benefits for Canada.

Alliance Society grants (formerly Alliance cost-sharing option 2) fund projects with societal impact as the main driver.

Application deadline: Continuous Intake. Allow 14-24 weeks for the review process.

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of submission to the funding agency. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via Romeo. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean Approval.

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer - Natural Sciences
Phone: 250-960-6357


Mostafa Sabzevari, Research Project Officer - Applied Sciences and Engineering
Phone: 250-960-5616


Alliance International Grants will provide support for researchers in Canada to work with leading international researchers from the academic sector, and to establish and grow international research collaborations and projects that have a high potential for impact in NSE disciplines.

Funding is available via two streams:

  • Catalyst grants will provide up to $25,000 in funding for one year to support Canadian researchers in initiating international research collaborations in the NSE disciplines. 
  • Collaboration grants will provide up to $100,000 per year for up to three years to allow Canadian researchers to participate in international projects and leverage the best international expertise in the NSE disciplines to help address research challenges of impact and benefit for Canada.

Deadline: Continuous Intake. Allow at least 5-9 weeks for the review process (plus additional time for Collaboration grants to allow for the international funding agency’s peer-review of the proposal submitted by the international collaborator[s]).

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of submission to the funding agency. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via Romeo. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean Approval.

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer - Natural Sciences
Phone: 250-960-6357


Mostafa Sabzevari, Research Project Officer - Applied Sciences and Engineering
Phone: 250-960-5616


Mitacs Elevate supports research projects in all disciplines. The program supports postdoctoral fellows for up to 2 years (with a partner organization). The program includes professional development training opportunities.

Please contact a Mitacs Representative to discuss the eligibility of a Not-For-Profit organization, and the eligibility of projects with hospitals, or municipalities before submitting an application package.

Application Deadline: Continuous Intake

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of submitting an application to Mitacs. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via ROMEO. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer - NSE
Phone: 250-960-6357


Sharleen Balogh, Research Project Officer - SSH
Phone: 250-960-5629


Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer - Health
Phone: 250-960-5686

The Society for Ecosystem Restoration (SERNbc) provides seed funding for new projects that follow the SERNbc guiding principles of ecosystem restoration.

Potential applicants are required to submit a preliminary application to the SERNbc Project Review Committee. Where necessary, the Committee may request additional information to make a decision. The SERNbc Coordinator will contact those applicants who have been selected to submit full proposals.

Application Deadline: Continuous Intake

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of submission to the funding agency. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via Romeo. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean Approval.

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer
Phone: 250-960-6357

Project Learning Tree Canada's Green Jobs program provides a 50% or 80% wage match, with up to $32,000 CAD in reimbursements, to employers hiring youth aged 15-30 into Green Jobs. A Green Job is one that supports nature-based solutions for a more sustainable planet. Green jobs are typically involved in, but not limited to, jobs in the forest sector, parks, conservation, natural resource management, environmental education, sustainable food systems, climate change, carbon sequestration, species maintenance and recovery, water quality and quantity, and more.

Application Deadline: Continuous Intake

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of submission to the funding agency. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via Romeo. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean Approval.

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer
Phone: 250-960-6357

Together with their partners, the Rio Tinto Aluminium Fund Canada aims to deliver long term social and economic benefits for the communities in which they operate and broader society. The Fund encourages programmes and initiatives that align with their priority areas, which include education, environment, health and community liveability. 

Application deadline: Continuous Intake

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of submission to the funding agency. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via Romeo. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean Approval.

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer (Natural Sciences and Engineering)
Phone: 250-960-6357


Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer (Health)
Phone: 250-960-5686


Sharleen Balogh, Research Project Officer (Social Sciences and Humanities)
Phone: 250-960-5629

The Pacific Salmon Foundation makes grants to organizations that undertake Pacific salmon conservation and restoration or science and research. Sometimes, when necessary, the Foundation will actually spearhead and execute a specific project. These are typically larger-scale, strategically-critical projects that would otherwise not be undertaken without the Foundation’s involvement. The Foundation partners with government agencies, other non-profits, businesses and volunteers to make Partnered Initiatives successful. Partnered Initiatives are subject to the same level of technical review required of applicants to the Foundation’s Community Salmon Program, though there is more flexibility in terms of match and volunteer requirements.

Application Deadline: Continuous Intake

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of submission to the funding agency. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via Romeo. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean Approval.

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer
Phone: 250-960-6357

Eligible employers can receive a wage subsidy of up to $25,000 and up to $5,000 for skills development, training, and wrap-around services to hire recent post-secondary graduates. Program funding is aimed at employers in the environmental science, technology, engineering and mathematics sectors.

Programs are offered through one of our four delivery organizations:

  • BioTalent Canada is a national, non-profit organization that facilitates research, skills development and various projects to support professionals in the Canadian biotechnology industry.
  • Clean Foundation is a non-profit organization that focuses on green solutions in the areas of energy efficiency, water health, waste reduction and sustainable transportation in Atlantic Canada.
  • Colleges and Institutes Canada is a national organization that champions innovation, applied research and employment opportunities addressing climate change and other environmental challenges.
  • ECO Canada is a national organization that specializes in environmental labour market research and provides employment and training resources to environmental professionals.

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of submission to the funding agency. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via Romeo. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean Approval.

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer
Phone: 250-960-6357

Support innovative medical research and practices, particularly in the treatment of cancer.

Application Deadline: There are three funding cycles each year. Applications are accepted at any time.

***Applicants should telephone the Foundation to discuss their project ahead of submitting a proposal***

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of the agency deadline. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via Romeo. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean approval.

Crystal Carpenter, Research Project Officer - Health
Phone: 250-960-5686

The Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS) Scholarly Book Awards, formally the Awards to Scholarly Publications Program, funds scholarly books in Canada that make important contributions to the humanities and social sciences. 

Applications are accepted and evaluated continuously throughout the year. 


Sharleen Balogh, Research Project Officer - Social Sciences and Humanities
Phone: 250-960-5629