Rukevwe Onororemu

My name is Rukevwe (aka Rukky). I moved to Prince George in the Fall of 2019 after securing admission into the Master of Nursing science program, thesis stream, at UNBC. It had always been my dream to attain a Master of Nursing Science (MScN) degree due to my keen interest in academia. As such, acceptance into the nursing MScN 2019 program has been a highlight in my both my career and life goal aspirations. The decision to come to UNBC to fulfil this goal was an easy choice. Prior to applying, I read a great deal about the research exploits of the UNBC faculty and students alike. I recognised that UNBC is one of Canada’s top research universities with a flourishing nursing research community. I knew coming in that my research aspiration would be well supported through guidance from amazing supervisors and enthusiastic peers and this presumption have proved valid. I have found my professors and fellow colleagues to be genuinely invested in my success as a student and researcher, for which I am very grateful.
My passion for research was ignited in the third year of my undergraduate program after completing a compulsory course on Research and Inquiry which opened my eyes to the indispensability of nursing research to the nursing profession. As a MScN student, I love the idea of research because I see it as an act of humility. I believe that one of the ultimate goals of research is geared toward addressing the needs of others as well as contributing to the elevation of humanity. I was privileged to work in a nationally funded EQUIP study in my first role as a graduate research assistant. The study aimed to improve health equity for indigenous and non-indigenous patients visiting emergency departments to receive care. Being part of a research study of this magnitude reinforced the importance of evidence-based practice in health care and nurtured a desire to embark on a thesis project that has the potential to inform nursing practice in the future. On a more personal note, my nursing background and passion for teaching spurred my research fascination and interest in the area of pedagogy: specifically, teaching and learning methods in nursing undergraduate education. This independent research exploration will be taking place under the guidance and mentoring of my research supervisor, Dr. Caroline Sanders.