Progress Report Requirements

Who is required to complete a Progress Report?

All graduate students in thesis-based and PhD programs.

Students that are not required to submit Progress Reports include:

  • Students in course-based streams (including some programs that terminate in a major research paper). 
  • MScN Family Nurse Practitioner Program students do not require progress reports but may have supplemental reports initiated by the program.
  • MA Disability Management Program students do not require progress reports but may have supplemental reports initiated by the program.

What is it?

Completion of the Progress Report Form and a meeting with your supervisor and committee.

Where is it submitted?

Submit your Progress Report to your supervisor before the deadline (allowing enough time for their review). Your supervisor will send the report once all signatures have been obtained to

When is it due?

Initial Progress Reports are due at the end of the student's third semester in the program, and are then due annually by the following deadlines: 

For September program starts: due annually by June 30th.

For January program starts: due annually by December 31st. 

For May program starts: due annually by April 30th. 

Note: Additional supplemental reports may be requested.


The Progress Report is a tool to ensure that a student’s ongoing progression through their degree requirements is proceeding apace, meeting goals and objectives, and to identify any issues that require consideration or action. The outcome of the review is a report that assesses the progress as either satisfactory, needs improvement or unsatisfactory. A recommendation of unsatisfactory or the second instance of needs improvement necessitates the facilitation of a Continuance Review.

Students close to oral examination (program completion)

If you are close to defending your project, thesis or dissertation, please note that our office will check to see if we have a recent Progress Report (within in the last 12 months).  If you are unsure if you need to complete a Progress Report prior to submitting a request to defend, please contact

Students who are on Leave of Absence

Progress Reports are not required while a student is on a leave of absence.

Report Outcomes

1st Needs Improvement:  This does not trigger a Continuance Review but may have scholarship/award impact depending on award criteria.

2nd Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory Report: a Continuance Review will be required.