Use the search fields and filters below to find profiles for faculty and staff at UNBC.


Kyle, Dr. Lisa

Assistant Professor

Research and Expertise

Lacharite, Dr. Jason

Senior Instructor

Research and Expertise

Ladds, Lorraine

Administrative Assistant
University Contract Coordinator

Lautensach, Dr. Alex

Adjunct Professor

Research and Expertise

Lavallee, Dr. Loraine

Assistant Professor

Research and Expertise

Lee, Chow

Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Research and Expertise

Leson, Sandra

Administrative Assistant

Levasseur, Rebecca

MPT-N Program Assistant – Student Services

Li, Dr. Jianbing (Jason)


Research and Expertise

Li, Hang

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ESM

Lilhare, Dr. Rajtantra

Postdoctoral Fellow, Environmental Science

Research and Expertise

Lindgren, Dr. Staffan

Professor Emeritus

Research and Expertise

Linklater, Dr. Natalie

Senior Lab Instructor

Research and Expertise

Linton, Stacey

Continuing Studies Coordinator

Litz, Dr. David

Assistant Professor

Research and Expertise

Lodge, Abby

Indigenous Coordinator, Division of Medical Sciences