Undergraduate Students in Psychology

Undergraduate Students

Student Research Participation Pool

Many undergraduate courses in the Psychology Department allow students to earn bonus credits towards their course grade in exchange for participation in ongoing research in the department. These credits are awarded at a rate of 1% per hour or portion thereof of research participation, and are on a first-come, first-served basis depending on the amount of research currently being conducted in the department.

To access your research account for the first time, please follow these steps:
  1. Ensure you are registered in a course that offers bonus credits (usually noted on the course syllabus, or ask your instructor). Also wait for the course list to be uploaded to the research system, usually after the first couple weeks of classes.
  2. Visit http://userdb.unbc.ca to reset or retrieve your UNBC system password (if required).
  3. Visit Webmail to check your UNBC email account, where your Research System password will be sent (they are independent systems and use different passwords!).
  4. Visit http://unbc.sona-systems.com to log into the Research Participation System using your UNBC id and your unique Research System password.
Please note:
  • If you have had a Research System account in the past, your old password will remain active.
  • If you forget your password, you can use the "Lost your password?" feature at http://unbc.sona-systems.com to retrieve it.
  • If you do not appear to have a Research System account and believe you should have one, please contact Julie Howard, the system administrator. Please do not use the "New Participant? Create an account here" service at the system site. 
  • Other questions? There is an FAQ in the Research System itself, after you log in, or contact Julie Howard.