Dr. Alex Lautensach

Lautensach, Dr. Alex

PhD (University of Otago), MScT (McMaster University), MSc (University of Guelph), BEd (University of Toronto), Dipl. Biology (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

Adjunct Professor


Alexander Lautensach grew up in Munich, Germany and is a citizen of Canada and New Zealand. He holds a DiplBiol in genetics, zoology, and biochemistry from the University of Munich, Germany. After he immigrated to Canada in 1980 he obtained an MSc in molecular biology from the University of Guelph. Turning towards education, he got his BEd from the University of Toronto in secondary education and an MScT (Master in Science Teaching) from McMaster University. Finally, he received his PhD on education in environmental ethics from the University of Otago in New Zealand. Since 2007 Alex has worked in teacher education at UNBC’s Northwest campus in Terrace, BC. Besides his position in UNBC’s Education Program, he is associate director of the Human Security Institute and associate editor of the Journal of Human Security.

Research and Expertise

Education for sustainability; human security; environmental ethics; curriculum design; science education. I feel strongly in favour of bringing the full potential of education to bear on implementing a successful transition toward a secure and sustainable future of acceptable quality for humanity. Alex co-edited the first university textbook of human security (1st edition 2013, 2nd edition 2020). I taught in life sciences, education and philosophy at eight universities in New Zealand and across Canada, as well as numerous host institutions in India, Malaysia, Bulgaria, and Austria

Research Fields
  • Agriculture
  • Animal Welfare
  • Biodiversity/Ecology
  • Climate Change
  • Culture
  • Earth Science
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Ethics
  • Human Rights
  • Sustainability
Areas of Expertise
Molecular biology and biochemistry, human ecology, bioethics, science education, ethics education, environmental science, curriculum design, assessment of learning, online instruction, cultural safety
Currently accepting graduate students
Graduate Supervisor Details
Supervises in Bachelor, Honours, Masters and Doctoral theses in education, natural science, social sciences, philosophy

Selected Publications

Lautrensach, A.K. Survival How? Education, Crisis, Diachronicity and the Transition to a Sustainable Future. Paderborn, Germany: Schoeningh-Brill Publishers. Projected publication 5 October 2020. https://brill.com/view/title/53644
Lautensach, A.K. & S.W. Lautensach (eds.). 2020. Human Security in World Affairs: Problems and Opportunities, 2nd edition. Prince George, Canada: UNBC; Victoria, Canada: BCcampus. Projected publication August 2020.
Lautensach, A.K. & S.W. Lautensach (eds.). 2013. Human Security in World Affairs: Problems and Opportunities. Vienna, Austria: Caesarpress, 1st ed. ISBN 978-3-902890-00-9 
Lautensach, A.K. 2010. Environmental Ethics for the Future: Rethinking Education to Achieve Sustainability. Saarbruecken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-3-8383-6124-6.
Lautensach, A.K. 2018. Learning for Biosphere Security in a Crowded, Warming World. The Ecological Citizen 1(2): 171-178. http://www.ecologicalcitizen.net/pdfs/v01n2-10.pdf 
Lautensach, A.K. & S.W. Lautensach. 2015. Prepare to be Offended Everywhere: How Cultural Safety In Public Places Can Prevent Violent Attacks. International Journal of Sustainable Future for Human Security (J-SustaiN) 3 (1): 56-62. http://www.j-sustain.com/files/pub/file/Vol%202015/Vol%203%20No%201/J-SustaiN_Vol3_No1_56-62_SS-019-01152.pdf 

Curriculum Vitae