Halseth, Dr. Greg
PhD, MA (Queen's University at Kingston, 1993), BA (University of British Columbia)
Greg Halseth is a Professor in the Geography Program at the University of Northern British Columbia, where he is also the Canada Research Chair in Rural and Small Town Studies, and the founder and Co-Director of the UNBC Community Development Institute. His research examines regional development processes, rural and small town community development, and community strategies for coping with social and economic change. With a research focus upon northern B.C.’s rural and small town communities, he has also been involved in collaborative international research projects in Australia, Finland, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, and Sweden. He is also involved in numbers of national and international rural studies networks.
He has served on the governing council of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and as a member of numerous federal and provincial government advisory committees on various rural issues. Greg’s some of his recent books include: "Building Community in an Instant Town"; Doing Community-Based Research”; “Transformation of Resource Towns and Peripheries”; “The Integration Imperative” (on cumulative impacts); “Investing in Place - Economic Renewal in Northern British Columbia”; “The Next Rural Economies” (with contributions from 12 OECD countries); “Transformation of Resource Towns and Peripheries” (with contributions from Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Finland), “Towards a Political Economy of Resource-dependent Region”, and “Service Provision and Rural Sustainability”.
Research and Expertise
Greg Halseth is a Professor in the Geography Program at UNBC, where he is also the Canada Research Chair in Rural and Small Town Studies, and the founder and Co-Director of the UNBC Community Development Institute. His research examines regional development processes, rural and small-town community development, and community strategies for coping with social and economic change, all with a focus upon northern B.C.’s rural and small-town communities.
- Geography
- Rural Planning and Development
- English
Selected Publications
Most recent books
Halseth, G., Markey, S. and Ryser, L. (eds.) (2019) Service provision and rural sustainability: Infrastructure and innovation. Routledge: London and New York.
Halseth, G. and Ryser, L. (2018) Towards a Political Economy of Resource Dependent Regions. Routledge: London and New York.
Halseth, G. (ed.) (2017) Transformation of Resource Towns and Peripheries: Political Economy Perspectives. Routledge: London and New York.
Halseth, G., Markey, S., Ryser, L. and Manson, D. (2016) Doing Community-Based Research: Perspectives from the field. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Gillingham, M., Halseth, G., Johnson, C. and Parkes, M. (eds) (2016). The integration imperative: Cumulative environmental, community, and health impacts of multiple natural resource developments in northern British Columbia. Springer: Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London.
Gjertsen T. and Halseth G. (eds.) (2015) Sustainable Development in the Circumpolar North – From Tana, Norway to Oktemtsy, Yakutia, Russia: The Gargia Conferences for Local and Regional Development (2004-14). Septentrio Academic Publishing of the University Library at the Arctic University of Norway: Tromso, Norway.
Markey, S., Halseth, G. and Manson, D. (2012) Investing in Place: Economic Renewal in Northern British Columbia. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Halseth, Greg, Markey, Sean and Bruce, David (eds) (2010) The Next Rural Economies: Constructing Rural Place in a Global Economy, CABI International: Oxfordshire, UK
Most recent journal articles
Ryser, L., Halseth, G. and Markey, S., (2020) Dis-orienting Mobile Construction Workforces: Impacts and Externalities within the Political Economy of Resource-based Regions. Labour and Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work, .
Morris, M. and Halseth, G. (2019) The Role of Housing and Services in Supporting Healthy Ageing-in-Place: Northern British Columbia, Canada. AGER, Revista de Estudios sobre Despoblación y Desarrollo Rural, Journal of Depopulation and Rural Development Studies, 27 (1): 17-47. DOI: 10.4422/ager.2019.02
Markey, S., Halseth, G. and Ryser, L. (2019) Commentary: An agenda for comparative regional development research. New Zealand Geographer, DOI:10.1111/nzg.12232.
Buse, C., Halseth, G., Sax, M., Jackson, J., Nowak, N., Fyfe, T. and Fresco, T. (2019) Locating community impacts of unconventional natural gas across the supply chain: A scoping review. The Extractive Industries and Society, 6 (2): 620-629. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.exis.2019.03.002
Markey, S., Halseth, G., Argent, N., Boron, J. and Ryser, L. (2019) Bending the Arc of the Staples Trap: Negotiating Rural Resource Revenues in an Age of Policy Incoherence. Journal of Rural Studies, 67: 25-36. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2019.02.002
Tuulentie, S., Kietäväinen, A., Halseth, G., Ryser, L., and Simila, J. (2019) Local community participation in mining in Finnish Lapland and Northern British Columbia, Canada – Practical applications of CSR and SLO. Resources Policy 61: 99-107.
Ryser, L., Halseth, G., Markey, S., Gunton, C. and Argent, N. (2019) Path dependency or investing in place: Understanding the changing conditions for rural resource regions. The Extractive Industries and Society, 6: 29-40. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.exis.2018.10.009
Ryser, L., Markey, S., Halseth, G. and Welch. K. (2019) Moving from Mobility to Immobility in the Political Economy of Resource-Dependent Regions. Applied Mobilities. 4(3), 307-328 https://doi.org/10.1080/23800127.2017.1421290
Ryser, L., Halseth, G. and Markey, S. (2018) Restructuring of Rural Governance in a Rapidly Growing Resource Town: The Case of Kitimat, BC, Canada. ÉchoGéo, Special Issue on Rural Governance. 43. DOI: 10.4000/echogeo.15218
Halseth, G., Markey, S., Ryser, L., Hanlon, N. and Skinner, M. (2017). Exploring new development pathways in a remote mining town: The case of Tumbler Ridge, BC, Canada. The Journal of Rural and Community Development, 12(2/3): 1-22.
Mervi J. Hiltunen, Kati Pitkänen, Greg Halseth (2017) Environmental perceptions of rural second home tourism. Local Environment, 21(10): 1198-1214 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13549839.2015.1079701.
Ryser, L., Halseth, G., Markey, S. and Morris, M. (2017) New Mobile Realities in Mature Staples-Dependent Resource Regions: Local Governments and Work Camps. Environment and Planning C: Politics and space, 35(3): 500-517. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263774X16668171.
Ryser, L. and Halseth, G. (2017). Opportunities and Challenges to Address Poverty in Rural Regions: A Case Study from Northern BC. Journal of Poverty, 12(2): 120-141. DOI: 10.1080/10875549.2016.1141386.
Ryser, L., Halseth, G., Markey, S. and Morris, M. (2016). The structural underpinnings impacting rapid growth in resource regions. Extractive Industries and Society. 3: 616–626. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.exis.2016.06.001
Ryser, L., Markey, S. and Halseth, G. (2016). The workers’ perspective: The impacts of long distance labour commuting in a northern Canadian small town. Extractive Industries and Society. 3: 594–605. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.exis.2016.02.002
Manson, D., Markey, S., Ryser, L. and Halseth, G. (2016) “Recession Response: Cyclical Problems and Local Solutions in Northern British Columbia”. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. 107 (1): 100-114. DOI: 10.1111/tesg.12153
Halseth, G. and Ryser, L. (2016) “Rapid change in small towns: When social capital collides with political/bureaucratic inertia”. Community Development. 47(1): 106-121. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15575330.2015.1105271
Markey, S., Ryser, L. and Halseth, G. (2015) “We’re in this all together:” Community Impacts of Long-distance Labour Commuting. Rural Society. 24(2): 131-153. DOI: 10.1080/10371656.2015.1060717
Zirul, C., Halseth, G., Markey, S., and Ryser, L. (2015) “Struggling with new regionalism: Government trumps governance in Northern British Columbia, Canada”. The Journal of Rural and Community Development. 10(2): 136-165.
Sullivan, L., Ryser, L. and Halseth, G. (2014) “Recognizing Change, Recognizing Rural: The New Rural Economy and Towards a New Model of Rural Service”. Journal of Rural and Community Development. 9(4): 219-245.
Skinner, M., Joseph, A., Hanlon, N., Halseth, G. and Ryser, L. (2014) “Growing old in aging resource communities: Linking voluntarism, aging in place and community development”. The Canadian Geographer. 58 (4): 418–428.
Pitkänen, K., Adamiak, C. and Halseth, G. (2014) “Leisure activities and rural community change: Valuation and use of rural space among permanent residents and second home owners”. Sociologia Ruralis. 54 (2): 143-166.
Ryser, L. and Halseth, G. (2014) “On the Edge in Rural Canada: The Changing Capacity and Role of the Voluntary Sector”. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 5 (1): 41-56.
Halseth, G., Ryser, L., Markey, S. and Martin, A, (2014) “Emergence, transition, and continuity: Resource Commodity Production Pathways in Northeastern British Columbia, Canada”. Journal of Rural Studies. 36: 350-361. doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2014.03.010
Hanlon, N., Skinner, M., Joseph, A., Ryser, L. and Halseth, G. (2014) Place integration through efforts to support healthy aging in resource frontier communities: The role of voluntary sector leadership”. Health and Place. 29(2): 132-139.
Ryser, L., Markey, S., Manson, D., Schwamborn, J. and Halseth, G. (2014) “From Boom and Bust to Regional Waves: Development Patterns in the Peace River Region, British Columbia”. Journal of Rural and Community Development. 9(1): 87-111.
Ryser, L. and Halseth, G. (2013) “So you’re thinking about a retirement industry? Economic and community development lessons from resource towns in northern British Columbia”. Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society. 44(1): 83–96.
Ryser, L., Markey, S., and Halseth, G. (2013) “Developing the next generation of community-based researchers: Tips for undergraduate students”. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 37 (1): 11–27
Halseth, G. and Ryser, L. (2012) “From Policy to Research and Back Again”: Experiences from a rural research institute. Journal of Rural and Community Development, Special issue edited by L.K. Hallstrom and H. Dolan (Guest Editors). 7(3): 31-39.
Ryser, L. and Halseth, G. (2012) “Resolving mobility constraints impeding rural seniors’ access to regionalized services”. Journal of Aging and Social Policy. 24: 328–344.
Ryser, L. and Halseth, G. (2011) “Housing Costs in an Oil and Gas Boom Town: Issues for Low-Income Senior Women Living Alone”. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 25(3): 306-325.
Ryser, L. and Halseth, G. (2011) “Mechanisms for Delivering Information to Seniors in a Changing Small Town Context”. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 6(1): 49-69.
Halseth, G., Helm, Dr. C. and Price, D. (2011) “The Rural Care Needs Index: A potential tool for ‘have-not’ communities”. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine, 16 (4): 134-136.
Horn, C. and Halseth, G. (2011) “Seeing like a Circle: Perspectives on the Field from a Dialogue on Urban Aboriginal Economic Development”, Aboriginal Policy Journal, 1 (2): 101-131.
Ryser, L. and Halseth, G. (2011) “Informal Support Networks of Low-Income Senior Women Living Alone: Evidence from Fort St. John, BC”, Journal of Women and Aging, 23 (3): 185-202.
Booth, A.L. and Halseth, G. (2011) “Why the Public Thinks Natural Resources Public Participation Processes Fail: A case study of British Columbia communities”. Land Use Policy, 28: 898-906.
Hanlon, N., Halseth, G. and Ostry, A. (2011) “Stealth voluntarism: An expectation of health professional work in underserviced areas?” Health & Place, 17 (1): 42-49.
Ryser, L. and Halseth, G. (2010) “Rural Economic Development: A Review of the Literature from Industrialized Economies”, Geography Compass, 4(6): 510-531.
Hanlon, N., Halseth, G. and Snadden, D. (2010) “We can see a future here”: Place attachment, professional identity, and forms of capital mobilized to deliver medical education in an underserviced area, Health and Place, 16: 909-915.
Markey, S., Halseth, G. and Manson, D. (2010) “Community-based Research in the Rural Setting: Lessons from Northern British Columbia”, The Canadian Geographer, 54(2): 158-176.
Hanlon, N., Ryser, L., Crain, J., Halseth, G. and Snadden, D. (2010) Establishing a distributed campus: Making sense of disruptions to a doctor community. Medical Education 44(3): 256-262.