Colloquium: Ken Prkachin Sept 30

Dr. Ken Prkachin
Friday, September 30, 2016 - 2:30pm to 3:45pm
Prince George

On Having Been Randomly Assigned to the Experimental Group

(or, how I lucked my way into the best job on earth)
In this talk I will provide an overview of some of the things I have learned over a couple of decades of being an empirically-oriented psychologist who was interested in clinical issues but also became fascinated by the little and common things. The organizing theme will be about affective communication, but it will follow the accidental pathways that an interest in the little things that people do have led me down. There are lessons to be learned about big, important things, like the things that make us miserable and kill us. For all that that sounds negative, I hope to explain how fascinating and interesting the trip has been (so far).

Contact Information

Loraine Lavallee
Phone: (250)960-6500

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