Transfer Credit Pathways & Agreements

The following documents have been created in order to help you transition from college to UNBC.  

To find your pathway or agreement, find the college you are currently at, or plan to take courses at, the credential you plan to work on (Associate Degree, Diploma, etc.) and what you would like to complete at UNBC.

For example, under the College of New Caledonia, if you are taking an Associate of Science degree and want to take UNBC's Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, you would click on the "AS General Biology to BSc Chemistry" link and it would take you to that pathway.

Abbreviations for each college and degree can be found within the College's section.

We are continually working on these document and new pathways/agreements will be added as they are developed.

If your current institution is not listed below, you have questions or need clarification on any of the information provided, please do not hesitate to reach out!

Email  or call 250-960-6616.

Please note: We are in the process of updating these documents for the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar.  Documents will be uploaded as they are reviewed. 

Abbreviations: BSc - Bachelor of Science, FEM - Forest, Ecology & Management, WIFI - Wildlife & Fisheries

Abbreviations: BA - Bachelor of Arts, BASc - Bachelor of Applied Science, BComm, - Bachelor of Commerce, BHSc - Bachelor of Health Sciences, BSc - Bachelor of Science, BSc FEM- Bachelor of Science, Forest Ecology and Management, BSc WIFI - Bachelor of Science, Wildlife and Fisheries, BSW - Bachelor of Social Work, NRFT - Natural Resources and Forest Technology

Abbreviations: BSc FEM - Bachelor of Science, Forest Ecology and Management, BSc WIFI - Bachelor of Science, Wildlife and Fisheries

Abbreviations: BSc - Bachelor of Science, WIFI - Wildlife & Fisheries

Abbreviations: BSc, FEM - Bachelor of Science, Forest Ecology & Management

Abbreviations: BSc FEM - Bachelor of Science, Forest Ecology and Management, BSc WIFI - Bachelor of Science, Wildlife and Fisheries