Maher, Dr. Pat

PhD (Lincoln University)

Adjunct Professor
B-268-D, Cape Breton University
Off Campus


Dr. Pat Maher is an Associate Professor of Community Studies (COMS) and Sport and Physical Activity Leadership (SPAL). He received his BA (Geography) and Honours Bachelor of Outdoor Recreation (HBOR) from Lakehead University and PhD from Lincoln University (New Zealand). Pat is a 3M National Teaching Fellow and Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. He is editor of the Journal of Experiential Education, an Associate Editor of the Canadian Journal of Environmental Education and the Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, and sits of the Editorial Board of Cogent Social Science.

Research and Expertise

Pat’s research interests focus on three areas, which often overlap in his projects:

  1. The meanings that people take from their experiences visiting remote/peripheral/Polar Regions.
  2. The pedagogical approaches, such as experiential learning, that help people create action from these experiences.
  3. The linkages to global sustainability challenges that result when people change their values and behaviours.
Research Fields
  • Environment
  • Natural Resources
Areas of Expertise
Outdoor recreation, polar tourism, experiential education
Not accepting graduate students