Biology is the science of living organisms and their interactions with each other and the environment. From bacteria and archaea to plants, animals, and fungi, the subject is complex, fascinating, and vital to all of our lives.

The UNBC Biology B.Sc. offers courses that cover scales ranging from molecules to ecosystems and it is administered by the Ecosystem Science and Management (ESM) Program.
Students who complete the B.Sc. will be able to understand the entirety of the living world and will be able to translate that knowledge into a variety of careers in Biology.
The Biology B.Sc. is fully accredited with the BC College of Applied Biology, which means that graduates have a simple path toward becoming Registered Professional Biologists.
Our degree also provides an excellent launching pad for students who plan to apply to medicine, dentistry, optometry, veterinary medicine, education, or other professional programs following graduation.
We focus on providing hands-on experiences, whether in the lab, the field, or the classroom. Our faculty maintain active research programs and they bring their interests and cutting-edge perspectives into their teaching practice.
Our students are given plenty of opportunities to interact directly with organisms and ecosystems throughout their degree program, and we run several field schools in British Columbia and internationally to allow students to expand their perspective.
UNBC's unique geographical location provides plenty of opportunities to observe, experiment, and learn from nature. Student-to-faculty ratios are low, and many students have opportunities to conduct research in paid and volunteer positions or in our Honours program.
Our two minors, Biology and Biology and Conservation, are open to non-biology majors who are interested in the life sciences.
Both provide a well-rounded education in biology and can be used to diversify many degrees at UNBC.
Graduate Degrees in Biological Sciences
Students who have completed a Bachelor's degree may also pursue graduate degrees in biological sciences through the Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Graduate Program (NRES).

Faculty supervise students pursuing an M.Sc. or a Ph.D.
Students interested in pursuing graduate studies should contact faculty members with whom they are interested in working to discuss projects and degree programs best suited to their interests.