The heraldic arms were presented to UNBC by the Governor General during the 1994 Convocation Ceremony. All elements indicate characteristic features of the University:
The Shield
The shield, in UNBC's colours of green and gold, contains the open book, a traditional symbol of learning; the raven, a hardy resident northern bird known for its intelligence; and a coniferous tree, the dominant flora and backbone of the northern economy.
The wreath is created from symbols of Canada, British Columbia, and the north: maple leaf, dogwood, and snowflake. The crest is a salmon, which is the base of the UNBC mace/talking stick, used there as indicative of all peoples in the region.

UNBC's heraldic symbols are used on legal and/or ceremonial documents, such as student transcripts and parchments. They are not to be used for promotional or advertising purposes, or as a substitute for the official UNBC logo.
To the left is the Kermode bear (spirit bear), representative of the northwest, and to the right is the woodland caribou, representing the central interior and northeast.
The compartment includes mountains and trees, distinctive of much of the region, and a wheat field, signifying the Peace River District.
'En Cha Huná ('En = that person; Cha = also; Huná = lives)
UNBC’s motto, from the Dakelh (Carrier) Elders, is used to remind us that all people have a voice and a viewpoint. Directly translated as "that person also lives," and interpreted as "respecting all forms of life," ‘En Cha Huná encapsulates the spirit of academic freedom, respect for others, and willingness to recognize different perspectives.