Leading a Sustainable Future

Two Campaigns are kicking off in February and March, focused on Waste and Energy reduction!

In recognition of these efforts, we are consistently named one of Canada's Greenest Employers. We encourage you to take some time to explore all the information on this page and hope that it will spark your interest to learn more! Should you have questions or want to get involved, visit the contacts page to find out how.

Compost is Hot!


Energy Transition Group meeting

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Tuesday February 11th 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

UNBC Prince George Building 5 Room 154 or attend virtually via Zoom

https://unbc.zoom.us/j/67250820843?pwd=0qmyaZvJ7wmE4Jm1iW4IK1lC6Saijq.1 Meeting ID: 672 5082 0843 Pass code: 435276

Chris Peter, P.Eng. (Retired) will inform us as to ongoing activities which are making small remote Canadian communities more energy efficient.

Art and Craft Meet & Swap

Art and Craft

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Come swap unused/unneeded art and crafting supplies and spend some time with other creatives!

REAPS Presents: Tea Creek, a documentary directed by Ryan Dickie

Tea Creek documentary

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Against the backdrop of colonization and the climate crisis, Jacob Beaton, a passionate Indigenous entrepreneur, has embarked on a remarkable journey. His vision is to transform his family farm into a beacon of hope for Indigenous Food Sovereignty. In a world where the connection to the land has been fractured, Jacob aims to revive the abundance that once defined Turtle Island. Learn more and be inspired by Jacob's story in creating Tea Creek farm in this award-winning documentary.

Community events

Got an event you want UNBC Sustainability to promote? Or have an event idea and need support or partnerships? Then contact the Sustainability Office at sustainability@unbc.ca or fill out a form at the bottom of the page to submit content. 

First Nations Centre events

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Maker Mornings
5-121 Cultural Connections Studio
Self-directed drop-in crafting
12:00PM - 1:00 PM
Jam Sessions with Todd Whitcombe
5-123 Lhuhuhwhezdel: The Gathering Place
Join us for an evening of making & enjoying music! All abilities & instruments welcome.
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Friday Soup Lunch
7-210 Chapel Space
Come and connect with people in your interfaith community over a homemade soup and bun lunch. It's free, it's fun, and there are great conversations and a warm welcome awaiting you. Hosted by the Interfaith Spiritual Care Centre.

AASHE events


Everyone at the Table Canning Circle

  • Date and time: Every Monday; 5:30 p.m. to whenever.
  • Location: South Fort George Family Resource Centre - 1200 La Salle Avenue, Prince George, B.C.
  • All food is processed; can stay for as long as you like.

Everyone at the Table Canning Circle event information

Recycling and Environmental Action Planning Society (REAPS)

  • REAPS has many events occurring throughout the year; check out a list of their events below.

REAPS events

Farmers Markets in Prince George

  • Check out local vendors at the Farmers Markets every Saturday.

Downtown Prince George markets

Launching the UNBC Sustainability Challenge

In collaboration with Dr. Steve Helle, with input from Faculty and staff, the Sustainability office is launching the UNBC Sustainability Challenge, a year-long opt-in Moodle course that students can participate in to receive awesome prizes!

Living on campus or off campus with roommates? Participate in our Green Residence Challenge.

The UNBC Sustainability Office is excited to re-introduce the Green Residence Program, a program focused on green and sustainable living in residences (both off and on campus). Our aim is to help reduce UNBC's energy and resource use, while promoting a healthier living and learning environment on campus. The Program is simple: commit to simple green actions, get certified, and get entered into a draw for awesome prizes.

Rent a bike through the UNBC Outdoors Club

UNBC Sustainability and the UNBC Outdoors Club are partnering to start a bike rental program. You must be a member of the UNBC Outdoors Club to access the bike rental. Bicycles are available for rent first-come, first-served.

Sign up for a bike rental


Submit a Sustainability Event