NRES Graduate Courses
Master's Level Courses:
- NRES 700 - Research in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
- NRES 701 - Graduate Colloquia
- NRES 703 - Integrated Resource Management
- NRES 710 - Modeling and Simulation
- NRES 712 - Spatial and Temporal Analyses
- NRES 720 - Global Change
- NRES 730 - Disturbance Ecology
- NRES 731 - Soil Ecology
- NRES 732 - Forest Systems and Management
- NRES 733 - Plant-Animal Interactions
- NRES 735 - Biological Adapatations
- NRES 737 - Evolutionary Processes
- NRES 751 - Processes in Geomorphology
- NRES 760 - Field School in Human Ecology
- NRES 770 - Rural and Small Town Geography
- NRES 771 - Law and the Gepgraphies of Justice
- NRES 772 - Geographical Perspectives on Restructuring
- NRES 773 - Advanced Qualitative Research Methodology
- NRES 774 - Dimensions of Outdoor Recreation and Nature-Based Tourism
- NRES 776 - Advanced Statistical Analyses for the Natural Resource Sciences
- NRES 790 - Master of Science (NRES) Thesis
- NRES 792 - Master of Natural Resources & Environmental Studies Thesis
- NRES 793 - Master of Natural Resouces and Environmental Studies Non- Thesis Project
- NRES 794 - Master of Arts (NRES) Thesis
- NRES 798 - Special Topics
- NRES 799 - Independent Study
PhD Level Courses
- NRES 801 - Integrated Environmental Systems I
- NRES 802 - Integrated Environmental Systems II
- NRES 803 - Integrated Environmental Systems III
- NRES 804 - Graduate Seminar
Affiliated NRES Courses
- BIOL 601 - Conservation Biology
- BIOL 602 - Fisheries Management
- BIOL 603 - Population and Community Ecology
- BIOL 604 - Wildlife Ecology
- BIOL 605 - Wildlife Management
- BIOL 606 - Fish Ecology
- BIOL 611 - Insects, Fungi and Society
- BIOL 620 - Animal Behaviour
- BIOL 623 - Molecular Evolution and Ecology
- BIOL 624 - Plant Ecology
- BIOL 625 - Applied Genetics and Biotechnology
- BIOL 632 - Aquatic Plants
Biochem & Molecular Biology
- BCMB 601 - Basic Science of Oncology
- BCMB 602 - Macromolecular Structure
- BCMB 603 - Advanced Nucleic Acids
- BCMB 605 - Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- BCMB 609 - Enzymology
- BCMB 701 - Cell Biology Theory and Techniques
- BCMB 702 - Chemical Biology Theory and Techniques
- BCMB 703 - Molecular Biology Theory and Techniques
- BCMB 704 - Graduate Seminar
- BCMB 705 - Advanced Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- BCMB 706 - Bioinformatics Tools
- BCMB 790 - Special Topics
Environmental Planning
- ENPL 605 - Land Use Planning
- ENPL 606 - Planning Theory, Process and Implementation
- ENPL 609 - First Nations Community and Environmental Planning
- ENPL 615 - Advanced Environmental Assessment
- ENPL 619 - Ecological Design
Environmental Science & Engineering
- ENSC 604 - Waste Management
- ENSC 607 - Environmental Modelling
- ENSC 608 - Storms
- ENSC 612 - Air Pollution
- ENSC 618 - Environmental Measurement and Analysis
- ENSC 625 - Climate Change and Global Warming
- ENSC 635 - Soil Biological Processes and the Environment
- ENSC 650 - Environmental and Geophysical Data Analysis
- ENSC 651 - Groundwater Hydrology
- ENSC 652 - Reclamation & Remediation of Disturbed Environments
- ENSC 653 - Environmental Resource Management and Decision Making
- ENSC 654 - Snow and Ice
- ENSC 660 - Soil Chemical Processes and the Environment
Environmental Studies
- ENVS 602 - Environmental and Natural Resources Issues and Ethics
- ENVS 631 - Global Environmental Policy: Energy and Climate
- GEOG 601 - Resource Geography
- GEOG 602 - Geography of the Circumpolar North
- GEOG 603 - Aboriginal Geography
- GEOG 605 - Fluvial Geomorphology
- GEOG 611 - Quaternary and Surficial Geology
- GEOG 613 - Advanced GIS
- GEOG 614 - Weathering Processes
- GEOG 620 - Geographies of Environmental Justice
- GEOG 624 - Social Geography of Northern Communities
- GEOG 626 - Geographies of Culture, Rights & Power
- GEOG 628 - Advanced Medical Geography
- GEOG 632 - Remote Sensing
- GEOG 657 - Advanced Remote Sensing
Natural Resources Management
- NREM 607 - Natural Resources Planning
- NREM 608 - Watershed Management
- NREM 613 - Agroforestry
- NREM 615 - Forest Soils
- NREM 625 - Soil Formation and Classification
Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Management
- ORTM 600 - Conservation Area Design and Management
- ORTM 603 - International Dimensions of Recreation and Tourism
- ORTM 607 - Recreation, Tourism and Communities
- ORTM 608 - The Psychology of Recreation and Toursim
- ORTM 609 - Critical Approaches to Outdoor Recreation Activities
- ORTM 612 - Issues and Trends in Recreation and Tourism
- ORTM 614 - Polar Tourism and Recreation
- ORTM 633 - Graduate Field School