Minor in Environmental & Sustainability Studies

The Minor in Environmental and Sustainability Studies offers an opportunity for students in other disciplines to understand environmental challenges with the contexts of wider social and political systems.
They will learn how individual lives and environmental systems are interconnected, and will gain understanding and perspective on key environmental issues.
A maximum of two courses (six credit hours) used to fulfil program requirements for a major or another minor may also be used to fulfil requirements for a minor in Environmental and Sustainability Studies.
The minor in Environmental and Sustainability Studies requires the completion of 18 credit hours, 12 of which must be at the upper division level.
Program Requirements
Minor in Global Environmental Change

The Minor in Global Environmental Change offers a way for UNBC students to obtain a well-rounded perspective and knowledge-base on global change issues that encompasses not only the science of global change and change predictions, but also the political realities of environmental change and the way policy intersects with science.
The minor in Global Environmental Change requires the completion of 21 credit hours, 12 of which must be at the upper division level. A maximum of two courses (six credit hours) used to fulfil program requirements for a major or another minor may also be used to fulfil requirements for a minor in Global Environmental Change. Students must complete ENVS 225-3 and at least 9 credit hours from each of the two lists of courses indicated below for a total of 21 credit hours overall. Nine of these credit hours selected from the approved lists below must be from upper division courses.
Program Requirements
Minor in Social Dimensions of Natural Resources Management

The Minor in Social Dimensions of Natural Resources Management prepares students to engage the public and First Nations in collaborative processes dealing with the range of values encompassed within the practice of natural resources management.
By completing the minor, students become familiar with planning policy and practice as it applies to natural resources management, the range of values and social considerations that apply to a number of resource sectors, and tools for soliciting and involving multi-stakeholder and rights-holder interests.
The minor in Social Dimensions of Natural Resources Management requires the completion of a minimum of 24 credit hours of study. A maximum of two courses (6 credit hours) used to fulfil the requirements for a major, or another minor, may also be used to fulfil requirements for this minor. Students must ensure that all prerequisites are fulfilled prior to registering in any course.
Program Requirements