Interdisciplinary Studies (MA and MSc Programs)

Program Chair: Dr. Monica Mattfeld

Interdisciplinary Studies program

The Interdisciplinary Studies (IDIS) program covers the scope of multiple disciplines, enabling faculty from other graduate programs to participate in this program. Therefore, the IDIS Graduate Program welcomes all faculty members eligible to be supervisors to participate in the IDIS Graduate Program.

Not all advances in knowledge, or in creativity, take place within established disciplines. In fact, innovative thinking and creativity may be unleashed by diminishing, bridging, or deliberately removing the boundaries between disciplines. The University of Northern British Columbia provides two options for interdisciplinary inquiry.

The MA option in Interdisciplinary Studies is specifically designed to enable students to pursue intellectual development outside the constraints of traditional disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The MSc option in Interdisciplinary Studies is specifically designed to enable students to go beyond the constraints of traditional disciplines in the Physical and Life Sciences. Applicants interested in interdisciplinary studies should consult the Chair of the IDIS program directly for advice on which option would be most appropriate for their research interests, and on how to tailor a course of study appropriate to their interests.

The MA option in Interdisciplinary Studies is available in two forms: a course-based program and a thesis-based program. MA students are normally admitted into the course-based program. MA students wishing to transfer to a thesis-based program may apply to do so in accordance with program rules after completing 15 credit hours of coursework. The MSc in Interdisciplinary Studies is available as a thesis-based program.

The Interdisciplinary Studies MA (thesis and course-based) and MSc (thesis) programs are each composed of a minimum of 27 credit hours and can typically be completed within 24 months of study.

Applicants may undertake an Interdisciplinary Studies Program only under the following circumstances:

Applicants to a course-based program (MA):

  • The intellectual rationale of the research paper must be interdisciplinary; that is, it must draw from at least two of the university programs described in the UNBC Graduate Calendar; and
  • The applicant has a well-conceived idea of a possible research paper topic that the applicant wishes to pursue.

Applicants to a thesis-based program (MA and MSc):

  • The intellectual rationale for the thesis must be interdisciplinary; that is, it must draw from at least two of the university programs described in the UNBC Graduate Calendar; and
  • The applicant has a well-conceived idea of the thesis topic that the applicant wishes to pursue.


Summary of MA course-based option

IDIS 704-3 Graduate Seminar 3 credit hours
Elective Courses* 21 credit hours
IDIS 797-3 Research Paper 3 credit hours
Total required 27 credit hours

Summary of MA thesis option

IDIS 704-3 Graduate Seminar 3 credit hours
Elective Courses* 12 credit hours
IDIS 799-12 MA Thesis 12 credit hours
Total required 27 credit hours

Summary of MSc thesis option

IDIS 704-3 Graduate Seminar 3 credit hours
Elective Courses* 12 credit hours
IDIS 798-12 MSc Thesis 12 credit hours
Total required 27 credit hours

*Note: Elective courses must be selected across two or more academic disciplines offered at UNBC. Students may not take all courses, nor all but one course, from the same program. Selection of these courses is normally undertaken with the assistance of a student’s program supervisor and supervisory committee. Additional coursework may be required at the discretion of the student’s supervisor and supervisory committee.

Steps to take in arranging an interdisciplinary graduate program

  1. Determine that you meet the general graduate admission requirements at the University of Northern British Columbia by reviewing the admission requirements in the calendar. See Graduate Admissions and Regulations;
  2. Determine that your research topic is interdisciplinary in nature;
  3. Consult the graduate advisors from the academic units relevant to your proposal to obtain specific information on course requirements and prerequisites;
  4. Prepare a one-page research statement to give to potential supervisors (for assistance see the section on Guidelines for Preparing a Research Proposal presented below);
  5. Select/confirm potential supervisors using the faculty listings in the University Calendar as well as the program websites. Arrange meetings or contact supervisors whose research interests are similar to your own. Choose only the appropriate contacts;
  6. Program willingness to participate in your academic program is required, necessitating signatures on the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program proposal cover sheet as follows:
    1. Student applicant signs form and gives it to the Supervisor who then obtains signatures from the Supervisor's Chair, Interdisciplinary Studies Program Chair, and the Dean of the Faculty of Indigenous Studies, Social Sciences, and Humanities (FISSSH).
  7. Submit your completed Application for Admission and the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program proposal cover sheet, along with your research statement, to the Graduate Administration Office; and
  8. Arrange for official transcripts and three reference letters (at least two of the letters are to be academic) to be sent directly to the Office of the Registrar.


Application deadlines can be found on the Graduate Admissions web page. The Interdisciplinary Studies MA (course-based and thesis) and MSc program accepts students for the September, January, and May semesters.

For additional information about graduate admissions or to download application materials, go to the Office of Graduate Administration web page.

Students seeking admission to the Interdisciplinary Studies Program should apply directly to the Office of the Registrar.

Guidelines for preparing a research proposal for an interdisciplinary program

In the one-page research statement, you must identify the topic you wish to research and your supervisor. Please include rationale for choosing this particular supervisor. You also must explain why your research requires an interdisciplinary approach.

The guidelines that follow are designed to assist you in preparing a properly documented application. You should put together an outline of your ideas, so that you can share this with potential supervisors. Once you have the agreement of a potential supervisor, you can seek their assistance in refining and completing the application.

I. Research statement

  1. Please specify the working title of your research. This should describe the topic and its key elements (e.g., time period, place, texts/authors, research methods, etc.). 
  2. Provide a statement of your research question(s) or research objective(s). The statement should be a clear, brief description of the topic area, with emphasis on the particular issue or question to be investigated. Make sure to define terms and use language accessible to a non-specialist audience.
  3. Identify what makes your research statement interdisciplinary.
    1. Identify the academic courses and the experiences that have prepared you to undertake the proposed research project. Include information on skills obtained (e.g., language or technology) or community connections you may have that will help you succeed in your proposed program of study.
      1. Specify the prospective courses that you wish to include in your program of study.
  4. For students applying to a thesis-based program, consider the members of your proposed supervisory committee and the relevant expertise they will bring to the project.

Any eligible faculty member at UNBC may supervise students in the Interdisciplinary Studies Program.

Specialization in Métis and Canadien Studies

This specialization within the Interdisciplinary MA (thesis and course-based) program provides students with the means to pursue a detailed analysis of the social and cultural history of British Columbia and adjacent territories to better understand the history of Métis and Canadiens in the province, country and continent during and after the fur trade. Students combine expertise in a number of disciplines to better understand the past as well as contemporary communities.

Updated: July 2, 2024