Field Education

The BSW program at UNBC is generalist in its focus and has an emphasis on practice and research in community and northern and remote areas, along with First Nations people and women. These areas combined with an analysis of class, gender and race and ethnic relations are emphasized throughout Social Work courses, and in the seminar component of Field Education.

BSW Field Manual 2023-2024

Social Work Field Education (SOCW 302 and SOCW 402) offers students an opportunity to develop their social work practice skills within an agency or community setting. A variety of placements are available and whenever possible the students' interests and learning needs will be matched with a suitable placement opportunity. The placement experience involves the student, faculty field instructor and agency supervisor in a partnership which is intended to facilitate the student's learning.

The intent of Field Education is to:

  • Assist students in developing practice skills
  • Facilitate students’ familiarity with practice environments
  • Encourage students to critically think about social work practice service delivery and
  • Provide an opportunity for students to link social work concepts, values and theory with practice

In order for students to think reflectively about their practice experience, it is essential that they have sufficient time. Therefore, while students will perform actual social work within organizations and agencies, students will not be expected to carry a full work load.

Field Education (SOCW 302) requires students to work in a practice setting three days per week through one semester. Social Work Field Education (SOCW 402),  requires students to work in a practice setting five days per week through one semester.

Students who are in field education placements must also attend classroom seminars conducted by a faculty field instructor. These seminars are compulsory and attendance is mandatory. Field education students also complete a series of assignments that are marked by a faculty field instructor.  Social Work Field Education courses are graded on a pass/fail basis.  As a major part of the core curriculum  the pass/fail (P/F) grading system encourages students to enrich their field experience and  exploration of a greater range of skill acquisition premised on self-motivation, professional growth and development. Through the involvement of experienced and dedicated human service practitioners in the professional community, students are provided with opportunities to develop and acquire social work knowledge, skills and values in a supervised practice setting.

IPT Account

All practicum placement forms for students and agency supervisors are now located online in your IPT account, please log on to to access your practicum account.  Please click on the IPT Field Database Instruction Book below for assistance on accessing your IPT account.

IPT Instruction Booklet

If you do not have an IPT account please contact to request an account or ask for assistance.