NMP Year 1 & 2 Curriculum team recognized with UBC award

NMP Year 1 and 2 team hold their UBC staff award plaques.
L-R: The 2022/23 NMP Year 1 & 2 Curriculum team - Nettie Fleming, Jen Hartel, Chrissy Ingram, Eileen Hunsaker, Dianna Fors and Jenny Shawara.

The Northern Medical Program’s Year 1 & 2 Curriculum team, from 2022/23, were honoured this fall with a 2023 UBC Faculty of Medicine Dean’s Staff Award.

The group was recognized for their achievements over the past school year (2022/2023) in the area of “Creativity/Innovation”.  

“Congratulations to Chrissy, Eileen, Nettie, Jenny, Dianna and Jenifer on this well-deserved award,” said Dr. Paul Winwood, Assoc. VP, DMS, UNBC and Regional Assoc. Dean, UBC Faculty of Medicine, “which is a reflection of their daily efforts to provide the best possible curriculum experience for our NMP students in first and second year.” 

The Dean’s Staff Award celebrates exceptional staff who have demonstrated a strong commitment to living the Faculty of Medicine values of respect, integrity, compassion, collaboration, and equity.