Weekly events
Christian meditation
Location: 8-161
Day and time: Mondays at 7:00 p.m.
How to do Christian meditation
All are welcome. For more information, please contact mandy@unbc.ca.
Friday Soup Lunch
Location: 7-210 in the Chapel Space
Time: 12:00 - 2:00 pm
Come and connect with people in your interfaith community over a homemade soup and bun lunch. It's free, it's fun, and there are great conversations and a warm welcome awaiting you.
Become who you are
Location: Zoom
Day and time: Fridays at 7:30 p.m.
An online gathering of CNC and UNBC students discussing the theology of the body. Visit the Catholic Young Adults - Diocese of Prince George, BC Facebook group or contact Lisa Vaughan-Farrell via email at lvfarrell@pgdiocese.bc.ca.
Monthly events
Smudging ceremony
Location: Lhuhuhwhezdel: The Gathering Place - Room 5-123
Day and time: Check the chapel space bulletin board for specific dates and times
A First Nations ceremony of cleansing. All are welcome.
Perspectives: Gentle discussions on faith and life
Location: Chapel Space, Room 7-210
Day and time: Check the chapel space bulletin board for specific dates and times.
Interested in religious differences and distinctions? Our next topic is decided at the end of each meeting. Past topics include Perspectives on Time and How to Have Healthy Interfaith Conversations.
Contact spiritual.care@unbc.ca for information.
Special events
Neighbours in Worship 2023

Celebrate community by connecting with your reverent curiosity this winter break. The UNBC Interfaith Spiritual Care Centre invites you to experience worship and culture with different faith communities as they gather to nourish their spirits and experience the divine! Events will happen until the end of December and all are welcome. For more information, or to sign up for one of these interfaith worship experiences, please contact Kendra at KMitchellFoster@united-church.ca or @campusunited.unbc on Instagram!

UN World Interfaith Harmony Week February 2023
This series of events are held each year to celebrate and participate in the UN World Interfaith Harmony Week festival that lasts the month of February. Through dialogue, spiritual practice, sharing meals, and connecting with reverent curiosity, we continue to build interfaith harmony here at UNBC and in the wider Prince George community. Please share in this worldwide interfaith movement by checking out some of our events, and share the information widely within your circles.
Join the Interfaith Spiritual Care Centre at the University of Northern British Columbia for a discussion circle on interfaith perspectives and experienced of peace, what it means to build peaceful community, and spiritual practices for personal and collective peace. Panelists from different faiths and backgrounds will share perspectives and experiences of Peace, what it means to build peaceful community in the diversity of northern BC, and exploring the nature of interfaith dialogue in Prince George, BC.
Contact Kendra Mitchell-Foster for more information at kmitchellfoster@united-church.ca.
UN World Interfaith Harmony Week
If you would like to know more about what interfaith means, and get to know some of the people engaged in interfaith relationship-building in Prince George, you can access recordings of the 2022 event.
The Coldest Night of the Year February 25th 2023

The Coldest Night of the Year February 25th 2023
The Interfaith Spiritual Care Centre has a team of walkers fundraising for the Association Advocating for Women and Community (AWAC) through the event Coldest Night of the Year. Everyone from the UNBC community and beyond is welcome to join our team to walk, participate virtually, donate or to leave a message of support on our fundraising page. Part of interfaith work is serving the wider community and working for the dignity, safety, and well-being of all. Help us bring Prince George a little bit closer to that vision.
The next walk will take place on Saturday, February 25, 2023, with a clearly marked 5-kilometre route that includes rest stops and support marshals. Join the ISCC Team here!