Dr. Hossein Kazemian (Principal Investigator and MATTER's Supervisor)
Team Lead
Aanchal Alagh, Ph.D. (Mitacs Accelerate Industrial Post-doctorate, 2024-2027)
- Ph.D.: Nanotechnology (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain)
- MTech, BTech: Nanotechnology
Research project: CO2 reduction and climate change mitigation

Saeed Bagherifam, Ph.D. (Mitacs Accelerate Industrial Post-doctorate, 2023-2024)
- Ph.D.: Environmental Chemistry (University of New England, Armidale, Australia)
- Ph.D.: Environmental Soil Chemistry (Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran)
- MSc, BSc: Agricultural Engineering (Soil Science)
Research project: Arsenic Removal from Contaminated soil and its potential reuse
Email: saeed.bagherifam@unbc.ca
Hossein Roohollahi, Ph.D. (Mitacs Accelerate Industrial Post-doctorate, 2023-2025)
- Ph.D.: Chemical Engineering (Amirkabir University of Technology -Tehran Polytechnic-, Tehran, Iran)
- MSc, BSc: Chemical Engineering
Research project: Plant-based Biopolymer for different applications
Email: hossein.roohollahi@unbc.ca

Sunil Walia, Ph.D. (Mitacs Elevate Industrial Post-doctorate, 2022-2024)
- Ph.D.: Material Chemistry (CeNS, affiliated to Manipal Academy of Higher Education-MAHE-, India)
- BSc, MSc: Chemistry
Research project: Development of novel adsorbent from foam glass for nutrient recovery from industrial and municipal wastewater effluents: steps towards
Aatif Ali Shah, Ph.D. (Mitacs Elevate Industrial Post-doctorate, 2022-2024)
- Ph.D.: Advanced Materials and Chemical Engineering (Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, University of Science and Technology (UST), South Korea)
- MSc, BSc: Chemical Engineering
Research project: Development of a pilot-scale system to demonstrate the feasibility of hydrogen production using a combined water electrolysis and wastewater treatment modular plant.
Email: shah3@unbc.ca

Mohammad Kavand, Ph.D. (Mitacs Elevate Industrial Post-doctorate, 2022-2024)
- Ph.D.: Chemical Engineering (Laval University, Canada)
- MSc, BSc: Chemical Engineering
Research project: Engineered clay as novel phosphorus (P) sorbent
Nasim Ghavidel, Ph.D. (Mitacs Elevate Industrial Post-doctorate 2021-2024)
- Ph.D.: Chemistry & Material Science (Lakehead University, Canada)
- MSc, BSc: Applied Chemistry
Research project: Eco-Friendly Styrofoam Substitute for Sustainable Food Packaging
Email: nasim.ghavidel@unbc.ca

Hoorieh Jahanbani, Ph.D. (Djahaniani) (Research Associate and Post-doctoral fellow 2021-2024)
- Ph.D.: Organic Chemistry (Tarbiat Modares University, Iran)
- MSc: Organic Chemistry
- BSc: Pure Chemistry
Research project: Bio-MOF synthesis and applications
Email: hoory.jahanbani@unbc.ca
Dominic Reiffarth, Ph.D.(Mitacs Accelerate Industrial Post-doctorate 2023-2025)
- Ph.D.: Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (UNBC, Canada)
- BSc, MSc: Chemistry
Research project: Solid Waste Management Best Practices: Cost-effective options to sustainably manage solid waste in rural regions of BC
Email: dominic.reiffarth@unbc.ca

Yinchun Guo (MSc student, 2023-2025)
- MSc: Analytical Chemistry (Hong Kong Baptist University-China)
- BSc: Chemistry
Research project: MOF-based adsorbents for SVOC sampling and measurement
Email: guo2@unbc.ca
S. Fatemeh Nouroozi (Ph.D. Candidate; 2022-)
- Ph.D.: Inorganic Chemistry (Alzahran University, Iran)
- MSc, BSC: Chemistry
Research project: MOF-based sorbent tubes and SPME for VOC sampling and measurement
Email: nouroozi_f@tbsmapna.com

Mya Schouwenburg (MSc Student 2021-2023)
Research Project: Chromium Speciation in Workplace Air
Email: mya.schouwenburg@unbc.ca

Ariadna López (Mitacs Globalink Intern, Summer 2021; MSc student, 2023-2025)

Ahmad Jalil (Undergraduate research student, NSERC-USRA awardee and Eco-Canada Intern; summer 2022 and 2023, (MSc student, 2023-2025),
Research project: Working on the road dust Air sample project
Email: ajalil@unbc.ca
Summer Students/Undergraduates
Oshini Kottagodage(Undergraduate researcher, 2023-2024)
Research project: MOFs for POPs removal from wastewater

Sakshi Satish (Undergraduate intern, 2019)
Research Project (honour Thesis): Synthesis of chitosan-coated MIL- 100(fe) for drug delivery
Harsh R Darji (Mitacs Globalink Intern-Summer 2022)
Research project: Using Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) for CO2 Capturing and Conversion

Alfonso Diego Garza Isla (Mitacs Globalink Intern-Summer 2019)
Research project: Air pollution monitoring and control for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Melissa Becerril Medina (Mitacs Globalink Intern-Summer 2019)
Research project: Air pollution monitoring and control for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
Adam Burkitt (Eco Canada Intern, Summer Intern 2022)
Research project: Nitrogen detection in water and soil samples method validations.

Madeline Clarke (Canada Summer job intern, Summer 2022 and 2023)
Research project: Design and construction of a rotating air sampler for workplace air quality research (2022)
Research Project: Development and characterization of novel biodegradable polymer (2023)
Sophie Ngo (Canada Summer job intern, summer 2022)
Research Project: Development and characterization of novel biodegradable polymer for food packaging purposes.

Sarah Wood (Undergraduate research student, 2023-2024),
Research project: MOFs for drug delivery
Ryan Koyanagi (Eco-Canada Summer job intern, summer 2023)
Research Project: Method development for wastewater analysis.

International Visiting Scholars/Researchers

Hanieh Askari, (International Visiting Ph.D. student, 2023-2024)
- PhD Candidate Analytical Chemistry (Yasouj University, Iran)
- M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry
- B.Sc Applied Chemistry
Research project: Synthesis and characterization of novel nano-structured materials and microspheres and preparation of switchable hydrophilicity solvents and their application in preconcentration and removal of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from water
Email: haskari@unbc.ca
Waranya (Ping) Wataniyakun (International Visiting Ph.D. student, Summer 2023)
- Ph.D. candidate: Polymer chemistry/microbiology/biochemistry (UiT- The Arctic University of Norway)
- M.Sc. Food Biotechnology
- B.Eng. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Aderonke O. Oyeyiola, Ph.D. Analytical & Environmental Chemistry(Visiting Researcher, 2023-2024)
- Ph.D: Analytical and Environmental Chemistry (University of Lagos, Nigeria; in collaboration with University of Strathclyde, UK)
- M.Sc: Analytical Chemistry
- B.Sc (Hon): Chemistry
Research project: Development, characterization and optimization of low-cost and environmentally friendly adsorbents for the removal and recovery of nutrients in wastewater.
Behrad Mahmoudi Saati (International Visiting Ph.D. student, 2022-2023)
- Ph.D. Candidate: Coatings Science and Technology (Institute for Color Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran)
Research project: Antimicrobial Applications of Metal-Organic Frameworks And Their Composites

Leila Doudey (International Visiting Ph.D. student, 2022-2023)
- Ph.D. Candidate: Chemistry (Sfax University, Tunisia)
Research project: Valorization of Tunisian dam sediments into zeolitic materials and studying their environmental applications
Farideh Barghak (International Visiting Ph.D. student; 2022-2023)
- PhD Candidate, Analytical Chemistry ( Yasooj University, Iran)
Research project: Synthesis and characterization of modified Yolk-Shell and Core-Shell magnetic nanoparticles with a metal-organic framework (MOF), polymeric membranes and COF-MOFs and their application in pre-concentration and removal of some of the dyes and agricultural pesticides by solid phase micro-extraction.

Habibollah Bahman (International Visiting Ph.D. student, 2022-2023)
- Ph.D. Candidate: Polymer Engineering-Color Science and Technology (Institute for Color Science and Technology (ICST), Tehran, Iran)
Research project: Using Layered Double Hydroxides (LDH) for the removal of Malachite Green, Methylene blue and Rhodamine B dyes from solution
International Visiting Scholars/Researchers
Mohammad Hossein Aboonasr Shiraz (Visiting Ph.D. student; Summer 2019)
Research project: Facile preparation of porous carbon from a metal-organic framework (MOF) to confine Se (Se/CZIF) and protect the Se/CZIF composite with an alucone coating by molecular layer deposition (MLD

Ali Bumajdad (International Visiting Researcher, Summer 2017)
Professor of Physical Chemistry, Kuwait University
International Visiting Scholars/Researchers

Lon Kerr (MSc Student; 2019-2022)
Research project: Zeolite-based antibacterial compounds for water purification
Hossein Zeinalzadeh (MSc student 2021-2023)
Research project: CO2 Capturing and Conversion of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)

Ann Duong (Ph.D. student, 2023-)
Research project: Validating the use of a Multi-Fraction sampler for recovering inhalable and respirable dust mass, and metals in Workplace Air
Dorna Sobhani (MSc student, 2020-2023)
- MSc: Environmental Science (UNBC)
- MSc: Chemical Engineering (Tarbiat Modares University, Iran)
- BSc: Chemical Engineering (Shiraz University, Iran)
Research project: Development of a dual-functional adsorbent for simultaneous removal of cationic and anionic nutrients from contaminated water bodies.

Charles Bradshaw (MSc Student, 2020-2023)
Research project: Nutrient removal and management
Helena Mirzabeigi (MSc student, 2022-2024)
- MSc: Chemical Engineering (University of Tehran, Iran)
- BSc: Chemical Engineering
Research project: Development and characterization of novel biodegradable polymer for food packaging purposes.
Email: mirzabeigi@unbc.ca

Farzana Nargis (MSc Student; 2019-2022)
Research project: Clay-based adsorbent for phosphate removal from eutrophic lake water

Simisola Idim (MSc Student, 2019-2022)
Research project: Modification of composting process of chicken manure using natural and Mg-Modified zeolite to generate a high-nutrient product
Saki Kondo (MSc Student, 2017-2020)
Research project: Modified zeolite for phosphate removal from eutrophic lake water

Sahar Ebadzadsahraei (MSc Student, 2017-2020)
Research project: Environmental PM2.5 Air sampling and measuring their chemical composition
Anara Omarova International Visiting Ph.D. Student, 2019-2020)
- Ph.D.: Chemistry (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan)
Research project: Development of MOF-based SPME fibres for volatile organic compounds measurement in air.

Mostafa Marzi (International Visiting Ph.D. student, 2019-2021)
- Ph.D.: Soil Chemistry & Physics (University of Tehran, Iran)
Research project: Nutrient management in soil and water using modified clay and zeolites
Gangbin Yan (Mitacs Globalink intern; summer 2018)

Emily Brown (Summer intern, Summer 2022)
Research project: Synthesis and uMetal-Organicrganic Frameworks (MOFs) for the removal of glyphosate from water

Sara Haghjoo (International Visiting Ph.D. student; 2021-2022)
- Ph.D.: Material Chemistry (University of Vienna, Austria)
Research projects: CFA-derived zeolite for removal of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from contaminated media
Mandeep Kaur (MSc student; 2019-2022)
Research project: Metal-Organicrganic Frameworks (MOFs) for CO2 Capturing and Conversion

Navjot Kaur (MSc student; 2019-2022)
Research project: Metal-Organicrganic Frameworks (MOFs) for CO2 Capturing and Conversion