Research Week

Following the launch of UNBC’s new Strategic Plan, the Office of Research and Innovation is excited to announce upcoming changes to UNBC’s Research Week!

Research Week is no longer being held in its previous format and will instead has been restructured as a new “Research Showcase Series”. This change was being made in an effort to find more effective ways to engage the UNBC research community, in alignment with the Strategic Plan’s aims to inspire creativity and ignite curiosity for research. Instead of a single week-long event, this new series features events throughout the year to highlight research activities more often, to maintain the enthusiasm around the exciting work underway at UNBC.

Planned events over the next several years include:

  • Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) graduate student event
  • Poster and/or oral presentation sessions for student researchers
  • Industry and community networking events
  • Information sessions and/or workshops on topics of interest to the research community

For questions or comments, please contact the Office of Research and Innovation at (please enter “Research Showcase Series” in the subject line).

Research Week 2019 Poster Session