UNBC and SD73 Sign Agreement to Give University Credit to High School Grads

January 26, 2008

An agreement reached between UNBC and School District 73 (Kamloops/Thompson) promises to attract high school graduates to the forestry sector. The SD 73 Natural Resource and Environmental Studies Program, which began this past September, provides opportunities for secondary school youth in grades 11 and 12 to enhance their education in the natural resource discipline and supports the transition to college or university.

Students who complete the program and meet entrance requirements receive transfer credits towards a Bachelor of Science Degree in Natural Resource Management, pre-approved admission to the relevant major of their choice, and guaranteed room availability in residence for those who apply for housing on or before the March 1st, 2009 deadline.

“The students learn some basic field skills required for surveying and inventories, tree and plant identification, ecosystem classification, and necosystem classification and integrated resource management,” says Ecosystem Science and Management Professor Kathy Lewis. “This is an excellent foundation for any of our Natural Resources Management majors.”

Dr. Lewis says more and more students are being attracted to the real career opportunities found in Resource Management. “We want to encourage students interested in Natural Resources Management and feel UNBC is particularly attractive being situated among resource dependant communities where resource policies significantly affect environmental and socio-economic circumstances,” adds Dr. Lewis. “We need resource professionals who understand the importance of resource management because they themselves come from resource-dependant communities.”

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Click on a thumbnail below to access a high-resolution image of Kathy Lewis:
Kathy Lewis 
Kathy Lewis, Professor, Ecosystem Science and Management, UNBC - 250.960.6659
Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC – 250.960.5622