Our Department joins the Global Studies Association, North America

Global Studies Association, North America

UNBC’s Department of Global & International Studies has joined the Global Studies Association, North America (http://www.net4dem.org/mayglobal/). A Global Studies Association (GSA) (https://globalstudiesassoc.wordpress.com/), based in the United Kingdom, was founded in 2000 and the North American branch in 2002.

Here is how GSA and GSA, North America introduce themselves:
“The Global Studies Association (GSA) is a multi-disciplinary scholarly association set up in order to address the vast social, political & economic transformations of global scope which are impacting upon the world today. The GSA provides a forum for scholars to collaborate & explore shared responses to such phenomenon, particularly in the context of globalisation. The commitment to multidisciplinarity & to the global context make the GSA unique in its aims & scope & thus offering its members invaluable contacts & connections. In addition, the thematic approach of the GSA allows interests which are not easily accommodated in single disciplinary associations to be fully recognised & encouraged. Thus individuals who share a common commitment to enhancing understanding of global life can find an intellectual home by working with others in the GSA.”

You can find the listing for our department under GSA, North America’s “Schools” link: http://www.net4dem.org/mayglobal/schools.html.