Recovery Strategy for the Nechako White Sturgeon

Friday, February 7, 2014 - 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Prince George

The Nechako White Sturgeon are critically  endangered and have been listed under Schedule 1 of the Federal Species at Risk Act. Having found evidence of a significant population decline, the Ministry of Environment initiated a recovery process for the population in 2000.
A partnership amongst First Nations, Governments and the community, called the Nechako White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative (NWSRI), is currently working towards recovery of this population through stewardship, conservation fish culture and habitat research, and restoration.

I will give an overview of the Nechako White Sturgeon population, its management history, and the development of the NWSRI.  I will also discuss current research projects and habitat restoration efforts and overall project results to date.

Contact Information

Dr. Allan Costello,  250.960.5658
Dr. Philippe Henry, 250.960.5424

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